Grounding or making contact with the earth may sound strange, but it is actually very natural. In the past, we always walked without shoes, just like animals, so we had direct contact with the earth. Nowadays our footwear causes us to lose this contact. Grounding helps to balance the electrical tension in our body, which is essential for the proper functioning of our organs and body cells.
Health benefits of grounding
Grounding has numerous benefits for our health. It can reduce stress, improve sleep, and reduce inflammation in the body. This is because grounding calms our nervous system, normalizes our biological rhythms, and improves our circulation. It can even relieve chronic pain and speed up the healing process.
How earthing works
When we ground, we absorb electrons from the earth that counteract inflammatory reactions in our body. These electrons act as antioxidants and protect us against harmful influences such as pollution and trans fats. This process helps our body to stay healthy.
Sensory interaction
The soles of our feet play a crucial role in the grounding process. They contain numerous nerve endings, more than any other part of our body. These nerve endings help us stay in touch with the earth and absorb energy, which is crucial for our well-being.
Earthing at home and outside
You can ground at home using grounding sheets or mats that you connect to a grounded socket. Outside, you can ground yourself by walking barefoot on natural surfaces such as sand, grass, or unprocessed stones. Avoid asphalt, wood and other processed surfaces that can hinder the grounding process.
Grounding as a lifestyle
Make grounding part of your daily routine for maximum health benefits. Walk barefoot at home and in your garden, and try to look for natural surfaces outside your home as well. Participating in barefoot walks can also be a fun way to integrate this practice into your life.