Short introduction of unschooling, homeschooling, deschooling and self-directed learning

In the world of education there are many more options than just the regular school system. There are several alternative forms of education that can help children learn and grow in their own unique ways. In this article I will discuss these alternatives in more detail. Before you make the switch to one of these forms, a period of ‘deschooling’ is often necessary. This period usually lasts between 6 and 12 months and is important not only for children, but especially for adults. This allows both children and parents to adapt to a new way of learning and thinking about education.


Unschooling is an alternative educational philosophy that emphasizes learning through the child’s experiences, curiosity, and interests, rather than through a set curriculum or formal lessons. In unschooling, children approach learning in a more organic and natural way, often guided by their own interests and passions. This method promotes self-directed learning, where the child determines what, when, how and why he learns. Unschooling is based on the trust that children are naturally curious and have an intrinsic motivation to understand and explore the world around them. It differs from traditional homeschooling in its lack of formal structure or curriculum


Deschooling refers to a period of adjustment that families often go through when moving from traditional, structured education to homeschooling or unschooling. This period helps both children and parents to break away from conventional educational norms and expectations. It is a time when they are refocusing on a more child-centred, flexible and self-directed approach to learning. Deschooling can also mean freeing oneself from traditional views of education and learning and opening oneself to new, innovative ways of acquiring knowledge and skills.


Homeschooling, also known as homeschooling, is a form of education in which children do not attend traditional public or private schools, but instead are educated in their own home environment. This can be provided by parents, guardians or a private teacher. Homeschooling offers a more flexible approach to learning, with the curriculum and teaching methods often tailored to the child’s individual needs, interests and learning style. This form of education allows families to choose what and how their children learn, and offers the opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics or interests.

Self-directed learning

Self-directed learning is an educational approach where the child is in charge of his or her own learning process. Rather than following what is prescribed by a teacher or curriculum, self-directed children choose their own learning goals, materials, and methods. This type of learning is based on the child’s motivation, interests and curiosity. It encourages independence, self-reflection and critical thinking and enables children to learn in a way that suits their personal learning styles and preferences. Self-directed learning can take place in formal educational settings, but is often associated with homeschooling and alternative forms of education.